Pepe and Sue
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We met Pepe and Sue, while casually visiting THE DOCK restaurant at our marina. We really liked their style of blues music. During a break in their playing, they came to our table and sat down to chat. We were friends ever since.


Pepe and Sue are sailors who love music. They own MELISSA, a beautiful sailboat, and a motorhome. They are originally from the Pacific Northwest, and had been in Baja for quite a few years. They were planning to return home, and have their boat shipped there. We hope to stay in touch with them.


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Sometimes, they were joined by Neil, who plays awesome trombone, and is also a sailor, getting ready to cross to the South Pacific. A Mexican musician played with them, practicing his blues skills. These guys were good, and fun to listen to!


We could not help but return to listen to them again and again. They can really play the blues. They would always end their performance with "Goodnight, Irene", and the tune has stuck with use ever since.


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