Home Up Ipala, Chamela Careyes Tenacatita Barra Navidad Manzanillo


We  enjoyed our stay in Tenecatita very much, and we spent TWO WEEKS at anchor there to prove it. It was hard to leave, since the mood there is of total relaxation, among very interesting and friendly people, with their boats anchored in the harbor, sometimes up to 60 of them! The setting is pure paradise, with close to ideal weather conditions, and a tropic scenery second to none. No wonder they filmed the location shots of McHale's Navy in this place.


Every morning at 9am, there was a VHF radio net, where newly arrived boats introduced themselves, and the latest news about what was going on in the anchorage was discussed. Groups planned snorkeling trips to nearby shallow rocks, trips to La Manzanilla, a nearby village which offered limited groceries, and, most important, events at the Casa de Piratas, where the fleet congregated by the tropical breeze to chat, eat good Mexican food and drink a Pacifico Clara or an Indio beer, or...a Margarita.


If you look closely, to the right of the center palm tree, you can see SIESTA anchored with its bright green awning, giving shade to its double hammock forward of the mast. You can also clearly see SIESTA's triangular anchoring sail, to keep the bow into the wind, for maximum breeze through the deck and hatches.


Here you can see SNOOZE, our yellow kayak, beached in front of the Casa de Piratas, with SIESTA in the center background.  Our inflatable dinghy is named CAT NAP, and our other kayak, WINK. WINK is currently stored in the Florida Keys.

Up Casa de Piratas Jungle Cruise Dinghy Raft-Up More Sunsets Parties, Parties... Tamarindo