welcome to our family home on the web! daisy and ed marill created this site in 1998, while living in san jose, california, primarily to keep their family and friends up to date with their whereabouts and adventures, since that time, we (ed and daisy) have found, much to our amazement, that our web site can serve additional purposes as well. we hope that you will enjoy its diverse and dynamic content. get comfortable and rummage through all its many passageways, sharing our experiences, interests, and latest news. we invite you to email us a note from time to time, and update us on your whereabouts as well...see our email address in the about us section. please be patient. it takes a while to load all the pictures in our home page. scroll down. click on any small picture to make it larger. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
helpful tips for navigating this site:
if you are familiar with our website, you will notice that we have restructured some of the sections in an attempt to make the site simpler and easier to navigate. over the years (since 1997), it has grown to be a fairly large body of information. to visit any of our web sections, click the corresponding link above. below is a brief description of each of the major sections:
______________________________________________________________________________________________ in october 2008, we upgraded our 1989 toyota rv with a newer rv, a 2007 winnebago view, of the same size.
we found this two-year old winnebago "mini" rv from a private party near tampa. this rv is built on the popular mercedes diesel-powered dodge sprinter chassis and reflects 20 years of technology improvements. we love it!
our two grandaughters, lily (left), and kaitlyn (right), continue to be a source of great joy for us. they live in delray beach, just 3 hours away.
click on the pictures above to make them larger. for more pictures of the girls and recent family pictures, click here.
sailboat charters in the florida keys with captain ed:
below, a 21 lb, 54" mahi-mahi (also knows as dolphin or dorado) caught aboard siesta by a missouri scout crew. for more information about boy scout charters, and sailboat charters in general, aboard our 44' siesta, check out the island ventures section)
for pictures of the all the boy scouts that have crewed aboard the sailboat "siesta", click here
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ our feline family: "smudge" (below, left) and "sniffles" (below, right).
early in 2004, we adopted an abandoned female cat who had been left behind by her previous owners here in the keys. our smudge (see left picture below) is no kitten. she is a mature cat, although lovable and really cute. and she has a definite personality, as all cats do. and then, in the spring of '07, our neighbors relocated and asked if we would want to keep "sniffles" (below, right). up until that point, sniffy had always been an outdoor cat. he is now an indoor cat, and a lot of fun to have around. he is really enjoying his new lifestyle, don't you think?
our most extensive sailing voyage to date was completed on june 16th, 2003. almost two years since we left san francisco bay, right after 9/11, we completed our voyage aboard our sailboat "siesta", from san francisco, ca, via the panam� canal, to our home base in the florida keys! for more information on this major adventure, visit the log of the siesta.
we have posted many stories and pictures of our 2-year trip. drop us a line via email. our email address is found in the about us section of this website.
daisy and ed retired in july of 2001, and on june 16th, 2003, we completed our sailing trip to the florida keys. we sailed along the west coast of mexico and central america, through the panama canal, and up the western caribbean through san andres, colombia, roatan, honduras, cancun and isla mujeres in caribbean mexico, and finally sailed to key west.
for more information about this two-year trip adventure, visit the log of the siesta.
below is a picture of siesta about to sail under the golden gate bridge on september of 2001, on its way south to mexico. photo courtesy of dave and marie caradonna.
our florida keys home (below) will serve as home base, as we plan sailboat trips up the eastern seaboard, to the bahamas and other interesting places. we also plan to return to the western caribbean. for more information on the florida keys and our home, click here.
(click on any picture to make it larger)
can you tell who is daisy, and who is her identical twin maida above? you have a 50:50 chance of getting it right. find the answer at the bottom of the page. (click on any picture to make it larger)
in september of 2006, daisy and edgardo met with emilio arturo and conchita again, in toronto. we stayed at my niece's home in mississauga, ontario. (click on any picture below to make it larger)
the number of times that our site has been visited, since
september 19, 2007 is:
this page was last updated on monday, march 02, 2009. answer: daisy is the one on the left. maida, her twin sister, is on the right.