Casa de Piratas
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The CASA DE PIRATAS, sometimes called Casa de Pirates, or Casa de Pirotas, or....whatever by the cruisers, was built originally for the set of the movie McHale's Navy. There is a framed sketch of the set design that brought about this building.

It is currently operated by the hotel LOS ANGELES LOCOS, nearby. By the CASA DE PIRATAS flows a creek used by the cruisers to get to the outer bay in Tenacatita, where there are many palapas ready to provide good food, cervezas, and, every Friday, the VEGGIE TRUCK!

While we were in Tenacatita, during Valentine's Day, we had a great cruiser gathering. One of our cruiser couples decided to formally announce their marriage during this event. They are currently on their way to the Panama Canal. We are sure they will find a proper setting for their marriage: Acapulco...maybe?



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During the Valentine's Dinner at Casa de Piratas, Ferdie formally proposed to his sailmate Jutta, who are on their way to the Panama Canal. It was a total surprise to Jutta, who was speechless and barely managed to say YES!, as Ferdie slipped a beautiful black o-ring, the best ring he could find on his boat at the time!

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Below are some views of the Los Angeles Locos Hotel, in Tenacatita:


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