La B del M
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La Bodeguita del Medio is the name of the Cuban restaurant in Puerto Vallarta that Mai and Volker took us to. The original Bodeguita is located in Havana. Now there is a chain of them, with several in Mexico. We have visited another one in Palo Alto, CA which is not quite authentic, but offers good ambiance and lots of fun drinks from the bar. This B del M is located on the PV Malecón, in beautiful area, frequented by turists. A good time was had by all! And the food was typical, authentic Cuban food, of the best quality!

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The Malecón in Puerto Vallarta is one of the most beautiful we have seen. The streets are full of restaurants of all kinds, interesting shops, and tourists from all parts of the world. The Malecón itself is adorned by statues of famous Mexican artists.

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