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To return to the home page of the Marill Family website, click here or go to www.marill.com Update: On June 16th, 2003, almost two years since we left San Francisco Bay, we completed our voyage aboard our sailboat "SIESTA", from San Francisco, CA, via the Panamá Canal, and north through the Western Caribbean to our home base in the Florida Keys ! Go to THE LOG section of these pages to see more. We have also added the entire 114-page SIESTA's SOUTHBOUNDERS CRUISING NOTES document, published on CD-ROM by Ed and Daisy in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, in January of 2003. This on-line text and pictures are excellent cruising reference material for those contemplating making a similar trip. To take a look, click here.
The LOG of our cruise from the San Francisco Bay Area.....
Through Mexico, all of
Central America, the Panamá Canal, and...
To our home in the Florida
__________________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE LOG OF THE SAILING VESSEL "SIESTA": Background info: We sailed our sailboat "SIESTA" from San Francisco, California to Marathon, in the Florida Keys. This is the final phase of our relocation to Florida. Our schedule is uncertain, and purposely so. We plan to take our time to see new places and meet new people... This is the place where you can find out about our adventures: where we have been, where we are, and what our tentative plans may bring...(always subject to change, of course!) Below is SIESTA, about to go under the Golden Gate Bridge for the last time, as we headed south to San Diego and Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. The photo was taken by our friends Dave and Marie Caradonna, aboard SUNSHINE DAYDREAM, SIESTA's CSY 44 sistership, as they came out to say goodbye on their boat. Our sailboat is a CSY 44 center-cockpit (the walk-through version). If you want to know more about these excellent boats, click here. This will transfer you to a part of our web site that focuses solely on these CSY boats, the history of CSY Yachts, and many other items of interest to CSY owners and aficionados. Note:
So....do come along and share our adventures... go to THE LOG to find out more...
To contact us via email, send it to: siesta2000(at sign)yahoo.com where the (at sign) is the symbol @. We do this to avoid spamming. To return to the Marill Family website, click here. The Log of the sailing vessel "SIESTA" has been
visited The "SIESTA" Log Pages were last modified on February 04, 2007 |