Fisherman Model
Home Up Walk-Over Model Walk-Thru Model Pilothouse Model Fisherman Model Antigua 44



Below are pictures of two fishing vessels built on the CSY 44 hull. The resemblance to its sailing cousins is unmistakable.


                                                          FarCryPensav1.jpg (21359 bytes) FarCry2v1.jpg (22591 bytes)

                 joshua1v1.jpg (23237 bytes) Joshua2v1.jpg (28966 bytes) joshua3v1.jpg (23966 bytes) Joshuaffwdeckv1.jpg (28838 bytes) JoshuaPHv1.jpg (30591 bytes) Joshuaprofilev1.jpg (23270 bytes)

 Home Up Walk-Over Model Walk-Thru Model Pilothouse Model Fisherman Model Antigua 44