The Baja Haha Cruising Regatta event is over now. We had a great time, sailing along with many other boats, over a hundred, from San Diego to Cabo. We sailed over 700 miles of Pacific Ocean, with two really special stops: one at Turtle Bay and one at Bahía Santa María (see note below on the Baja Haha event itself).
Our crew, Hank, Sid and Gary, were outstanding. The five of us survived living mostly offshore in cramped quarters for well over a week, sharing in all the tasks, among them: navigation, fishing, cooking, repairing and enjoying the company of other boats around us at the two stops. In retrospect, it all happened very quickly. Since we arrived in Cabo, we have been slowing down the pace, taking more time to check out all the places around us, and meeting a lot of new friends on boats and on shore.
After the wrap-up of the Haha in Cabo, we visited some beautiful uninhabited islands, and then set up temporary headquarters in La Paz, a lovely town on the Sea of Cortez.
The Baja Haha updates 1 through 4 are in chronological order (see buttons). These are the original real-time update emails we posted on the web site, while sailing underway from San Diego. We used our wireless email capability on board. We have added some additional information here and there, and, yes, we have also included lots of pictures, usually in thumbnail format, which can be clicked on to view in a larger size. You can download any of these full-sized pictures to your own computer. Let us know if you have problems doing so.
Note: For more information on the Baja Ha-Ha cruising regatta event itself, as well as professional quality pictures, click on -->
Try going to, and then searching for the Baja Haha 2001 event. This will give you excellent context about how this event started, what it is all about, and pictures from the most recent event.
For more information about Latitude 38, and a much more detailed description of a previous Baha Ha-Ha Cruising Regatta, go the the following links:
Information about the Baha Ha-Ha VIII during early November will be posted on a daily basis at:
The home web page for the magazine is at:
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