At our last mini-reunion at the Havana-Miami Restaurant, Talo and Bea handed out a document full of interesting information about La Cuba De Ayer. Below is the soft copy of the document that Talo handed us at the restaurant, which he provided to me for publication on this Ruston Class of '62 site. If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to Otalio at his email address, talosoca@aol.com
Note from the author:
All the information handed out during the Oct. 13th, 2007 Ruston Class of
'62 mini-reunion, and reproduced on this web page, came out of a book on
Cuba called Cuba Infinita, Un examen veraz de nuestra historia, tomo
IV y III ($25.00 each). You can purchase these books through any
Cuban book store, and/or call Jose Guerra Aleman, the publisher. Aleman
gives authority for any portion of the book to be reproduced since what he
compiled was actual newspapers clipping of the era from 1930 to the 50's.
Some other details came from the Internet (public domain). Consequently,
there is no false statements in what I presented to all, as far I can judge.
Other information came from people that were in Cuba and worked for these
companies, like Crusellas. Another example: Fernando Capablanca shared his
information with us regarding the banks. My job was long and tedious but
pretty accurate. I went page by page, newspaper clipping by newspaper
clipping, to put it into an interesting format.
TRUE OR FALSE STATEMENTS? __Fidel Castro once wrote a Letter to then President Roosevelt asking him for ten ($10.00 US) dollars. __President Fulgencio Batista legalized the Communist Party in Cuba. __President Fulgencio Batista once held in his arms Raul Castro, then a small child. __The assassin of Russian Leon Trotsky in Mexico was the son of a communist Cuban mother, displeased by Trotsky’s actions. __The Blanquita Theatre in Havana had a capacity of 6,500 seats and at its debut held a show of the Follies-Bergere from Paris. __The First Royal Palm planted in Miami was done by Exiled President Gerardo Machado. __In 1959, Ruston Academy in Cuba was considered the best American school in Latin America. __The Davis Cup was once played in Cuba. __Cuba sank a U-boat during World War II. ___The Cuban exiled President Prío Socarrás gave $50,000.00 of his own money to buy the Granma, the boat that carried Fidel Castro to Cuba to start the Cuban Revolution. ___There was an authentic bronze mask of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Bacardi Museum in Santiago de Cuba. The original plaster mask of the Emperor was taken by Dr. Antomachi who died in Cuba in 1838. __Cuban Pilots Joaquin Collar and Mariano Barberán flew from Sevilla, Spain to Camaguey, Cuba in 1933, a 9000 Kilometer flight or double the distance of Lindbergh’s historical flight in 1927. _The Aeromarine and Motor Company flew the first hydroplane from Florida to Havana in 1919. ___In the early 30’s Pan American Airways established regular flights to Havana pursuant to an airway postal contract. ___The first organized Cuban Airline, Aerovías Q, was created in 1945. ___Cuba had 8 complete female bands in 1959. However, the first all female band was formed in 1930. ___Nicolai Yavrosky established the National School of Ballet in Cuba in 1932. ___In 1944, President Ramón Grau San Martín, upon being recently elected to his office, proposed a cost of living adjustment to the universally accepted minimum wage or so called subsistence salary existing already in Cuba. ___Amadeo Barlettta, an extremely successful businessman in Cuba and an Italian citizen, was once rescued from jail by Benito Mussolini. Barletta was jailed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic accused of a plan to kill, then, Dictator Rafael Trujillo. Mussolini saved Barletta when he sent a navy war ship to the island. Barletta left and moved to Cuba where he became very successful. ___The tradition of “El Cañonazo de las 9” the daily firing of a salvo from a cannon at the Morro Castle in Havana at 9:00 P.M. dates to the XVIII century which would announce the closing of the doors to the walls of the city. ___Cuban born composer Mario Rizo wrote all the musical themes for the “I Love Lucy” show. ___Kid Chocolate, Cuban Boxer, won the World Championship in the Welter Weight Class, along with Kid Gavilán, Benny Kid Paret, Luis Manuel Rodriguez, Kid Gavilán, and Nino Valdes, Heavy Weight. ___In 1956, Helen Lawrenson (aka, Helen Brown Norden) wrote an article in the Esquire Magazine, Havana the Most Voluptuous City in the World. Helen was a world traveler but upon setting her feet in Cuba declared: “the city I love the most in the world”. ___Cuban engineer Joaquin de la Rosa invented the only method of converting sugar cane husk to paper. ___One of the best written books on Cuban Patriot Jose Marti, Marti, Citizen of America, was written by José Marquez Sterling. ___Julio Lobo, a Cuban millionaire businessman, with great patience and taste collected 7,143 pieces related to Napoleon Bonaparte. This is the largest collection on Napoleon’s memorabilia in the world outside of France. ___Sir Winston Churchill visited Cuba twice: once during 1895 and then again in 1946. ___Lucky Luciano was expelled from Cuba and shipped to Italy aboard a Turkish vessel. ___11,000 duck-tail designed Cadillacs, aka, “Cola de Pato”, were sold in one year in Cuba during the 1940’s. ___In 1955, Cuban baseball player Sandy Amorós caught a strong fly hit by Yogi Berra to save the game and win the World Series for Brooklyn for the first time in its history. ____The son of Alfonso XII, Prince of Asturias, Count of Covadonga, Alfonso de Borbon, was married twice and to two different Cuban women, Eldemira Sampedro Robato and later Marta Rocaport. ___In 1956, rendezvous of the elite in high class tourist travel declared Cuba’s El Floridita Bar by Esquire Magazine as the seventh most important bar in the world. ___American Senator Smathers once proposed to Congress to make Cuba another state of the USA. The Senator received horrendous insults for such a suggestion ___José Raul Capablanca, world master chess player, was married to a Russian Princess Olga de Chagoldaf. ___Cuba declares war against Germany, Italy and Japan on December 8th, 1941. ___In 1928, The Lyceum Tennis Club was founded by women. It was a feminist organization dedicated to promoting cultural and social action. Not only the organization promoted the arts but also provided all types of services to persons with limited resources. ___Jackie Robinson played in Cuba the year before he was accepted to play in the major leagues. ___1959, The Textile Company of Ariguanabo had more than 5k employees working in its factory. The company’s textile production would cover the Cuban national demand for the purchase of work clothes; and in addition, the textile company exported a considerable part of its production overseas. ___The luxury of El Encanto Department store in Cuba with more than 2k employees was comparable to the famous Printemps of Paris. There were no comparable stores in either in Buenos Aires or Mexico City. ___El Encanto had developed a manual merchandise control system (precursor to our modern data system), along with credit cards for customers and employees, gift certificates, profit sharing, one month bonus system for employees. ___The Asturian Ramón Areces one of the principal stock holders of the Cuban fashionable department store, El Encanto, founded in 1950 in Spain El Corte Ingles which has become the largest chain store in Europe. ____El Encanto had a floor called “El Salon Frances” or the French Salon. Here, the store held the exclusivity to sell Christian Dior’s designer’s clothes. ___In 1870, during The Ten Year War, the Government in Arms issued Cuba’s first stamped provisional coin which was sculpted in Mexico. ___The Heros Art Deco building was built in 1938. ___In 1959, the city of Havana had over 100 theatres. ___From the early 50’s, the great department stores in Havana started to hire black employees ending a discriminatory practice in Cuban stores. ___Alicia Alonso received a scholarship to the School of American Ballet under the supervision of George Balanchine. In 1942, she had her debut at the Metropolitan Opera House in Giselle. ___In 1940, Cuba abolished the death penalty. ___The Cuban Philharmonic Orchestra under Erich Kleiber was considered to be among the 10 best in the World. ___In 1959, The Havana Hilton with 600 rooms was the largest hotel in Latin America. ___Truman Capote adopts the name Capote from his stepfather Cuban Jose Capote. His character Jose Ibarra (Breakfast at Tiffany) was inspired on his step father’s flamboyant life style. ___The first mailing stamp in Cuba was issued in 1855. ___The biggest natural tragedy in Cuba took place on November 9th, 1932 wherein, 2,700 citizens died due to a hurricane and ocean swelling in the southern town of Santa Cruz del Sur, Camaguey. ___Chinese theatrical seasons in Havana may be traced as far back to 1875 wherein California productions would visit Havana. Later, local talent was used for these performances. The opera Shik Kuey lasted for 15 days in episodes of 12 hours a day. The opera Shi Kong was much shorter consisting of 12 days and four hours per day. ___Monument is erected in 1931 by the Cuban Chinese colony to its compatriots that fought for the independence of Cuba. The markings on the monument reads: “Never a Cuban Chinese traitor”. “Never a Cuban Chinese Deserter.” ___In 1728, the University of Havana is founded. ___President Prío Socarrás’ government provided the patronage to build the Cuban filmmaking Studio Q in the Biltmore area of Havana following the plans of the Churubusco Studios of Mexico. ___The Commercial Center La Rampa was built in the early 50’s. ___The prestigious Club Atenas was an exclusive and highly respected association of Cuban black intellectuals and professionals. ___In 1913, Maria Teresa Montes de Giberga founded, among other distinguished ladies, Pro Arte, the institution that contributed the most to the dissemination of the Cuban musical culture in Cuba. ___During the 50’s CMQ Radio installed a parabolic antenna at Guanabo Beach to capture the TV signals from the Baseball World Series, re transmitted from an airplane which would fly in circles between Key West and Havana. ___Cuba enjoyed supermarket chain stores such as Minimax which operated 10 stores. Danish supermarkets Ekloh. ___Cuba enjoyed the Kosher Restaurant Moshe Pipik, the only American Jewish Kosher restaurant in the island. ___In 1958, Cuba held the Havana Gran Prix a 500 Km. closed circuit race with world champion race drivers. Cuban born Alfonsito Gomez Mena placed 6th place in the race. ___By law, government agencies and private enterprises were required to pay full salary benefits to pregnant women one and half months prior to delivery and one and half months after delivery. ___The enacted law called “La Ley de Arturito” required government agencies and private enterprises to pay a full extra month remuneration to all employees. ___Vacation time consisted of a full month leave for all workers. ___Crusellas Corp. office workers, worked a 35 hours week. Salesmen were bought brand new cars to be paid back without interest. ___Topes de Collantes Hospital for Tuberculosis Patients had 1,000 beds. ___The Cuban Capital building was built in the tradition of the US Capital Building. It was qualified as the most beautiful building in Latin America.
WHICH OF THESE PEOPLE DID NOT VISIT CUBA? ___Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt ___Warner Baxter, aka, Cisco Kid ___King Carol of Rumania ___Libertad La Marque ___Gary Cooper ___Jorge Negrete ___Sinclair Lewis ___Cantinflas – Mario Moreno ___King of Belgium Leopold III ___Agustín Lara ___Liberace ___María Félix ___King Don Juan de Borbón ___Santos Traficantes ___Fiorello de la Guardia ___Herbert Hoover ___William F. Halsey, World War II US Navy Hero ___Barbara Stanwick ___Robert Taylor ___Errol Flynn ___Prince Bernard Lippe Biesterfeld of Holland ___Gabriela Mistral ___Katherine Hepburn ___Jean Harlow ___Eddie Cantor ___Waldo Frank ___Bernard Shaw ___Jeannette MacDonald ___Jesse Owens ___Xavier Cugat ___Sonja Henie ___John Wayne ___Lucille Ball ___Charles A. Lindberg ___Princess Murat ___Gloria Swanson ___Dr. William Scholl ___Dorothy Dandridge ___Greer Garson ___Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Wally Simpson ___The Marquee of Portago ___Walker Evans ___Harry F. Guggenheim ___Cab Calloway ___Emil Ludwig ___Baron Stephen Tyssen ___La Pampanini ___Maurice Chevalier ___Cardinal Spellman ___Charles Atlas ___Josephine Baker ___Edith Piaff ___Mamie Van Doren ___Nat King Cole ___Katy Russe ___Silvana Mangano ___Silverio Pérez ___Joan Crawford ___Cesar Romero ___Floriana Alba ___Tina de Mola ___Katyna Ranieri ___Arturo de Córdoba ___May Pickford ___Pedro Infante ___Sarita Montiel ___Graham Greene ___Rita Montaner ___Cid Charisse ___Tony Martin ___Martine Carol ___Ernesto Bonine ___Meyer Lansky ___Sterling Moss ___Juan Manuel Fangio ___Ernest Hemingway ___Gary Cooper ___Herbert L. Matthews ___George Raft ___Humphrey Bogart ___Lauren Bacall ___Rocky Marciano ___Frank Sinatra ___Rita Hayworth ___Cristina Jorgensen
______________________________________________________________________ ALL PRIOR STATEMENTS AND AFFIRMATIONS ABOVE ARE CORRECT. ALL THE NAMES OF PEOPLE LISTED ABOVE VISITED CUBA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cuba is less than 100 miles from the southern tip of Florida. It stretches southeasterly 750 miles from the eastern Gulf of Mexico through the northern Caribbean and generally measures fifty to eighty miles wide. The highest elevations in Cuba exceed 6,000 feet in the Sierra Maestra mountain range of southeastern Oriente Province. The highest peak is El Pico Turquino. Except for three small areas, the western lowlands range below 600 feet elevation and cover 60 percent of the island.
Additional information on Cuba, on the Years before Castro’s Revolution:
95% of all Cuban land was arable.
HISTORY OF CUBAN AVIATION July 1857: Matías Pérez goes up in an air balloon. In his second attempt, endangered by gusty winds, he disappears from the horizon forever, giving way to the popular expression: "He flew like Matías Pérez". 1929: Compañía Nacional Cubana de Aviación Curtiss S.A. is founded. Later it was to become Compañía Nacional Cubana de Aviación and on March 21, 1944 it was to be known as Compañía Cubana de Aviación. 1930: José Martí International Airport is officially inaugurated. The ratified 1940 Constitution established article 48 stating that primary, secondary and vocational schools shall be guaranteed absolutely free. Universities with out consideration to scholarships for poor or promising students fixed a modest enrollment fee for the maintenance of the institution. The fee to the higher education equal current the price of a pair of shoes 1942: First Cuban made aircraft "Estrella Errante" (Wandering Star) designed and constructed by Major Benigno Díaz, First Lt. Jorge Melo and Roberto Gude. 1943, Coronel Otalio Soca Llanes Chief of the Cuban Aviation, asked for the active participation of the Cuban pilots in the World conflict and training intensified including night flying and flying by instruments. During the month of June, one flying wing of three AT-6 airplanes made a goodwill flight to Mexico City. The crew consisted Captains Roberto Henderson Besanilla, Laureano García Berrocal y Francisco Gutiérrez along with mechanics Sergeant Barrios y Delfín Burias. In the squad leader’s plane Captain Henderson flew Coronel Otalio Soca Llanes. 1950, October 24th, Cuban businessman Gaspar Pumarejo transmit the first TV signal in Cuba through his Channel 4 – station in Havana. In that year, Cuba was one of four countries in the world with commercial TV. 1953, countries such as Holland, France, Finland, Britain had proportionally less Doctors and Dentists than in Cuba. 1956, Cuba resumes export of coffee to the USA. 1958, Cuba occupied 3rd place in the consumption of average calories per capita, 2,862 calories per day IN Latina America. 1958, Cuba held third place in numbers of cars per capita, to wit: 27.3 in Latin America. 1958, at world level, Cuba occupied the 4th place in the largest percentage of remuneration to its workers and employees. 1958, Cuba was the Third Latin American Country with monetary solidity and stability with reserves in gold, dollars and convertible assets. The Cuban currency equivalent to the American dollar permitted the National Bank of Cuba, to establish a system of traveler’s checks, exchangeable in any nation of the world in which the National Bank or any of its affiliated banks had agencies or correspondents. 1958, Cuba had 55 International Bank branches operating in the country. There were several foreign banks in Cuba in 1958, namely: First National City Bank (Citicorp), The Chase Manhattan Bank (JP Morgan Chase), Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of China (owned by the Taiwanese Govt.), Banco Franco-Cubano (an affiliate of Societe Generale, France), First National Bank of Boston These banks had many branches in Cuba. RBC alone had about 36. A more interesting data is that the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta had a branch in Havana and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston had another branch. The only EVER branches of the FED outside the United States. Furthermore, the largest private bank in the western hemisphere on 12/31/58 was the Trust Company of Cuba, owned by the Batista Falla family. 1958, Havana becomes the first city in Latin America with color TV. 1958 Cuba occupies first place in consumption of fish 5.6 lbs per capita followed by USA 5.4 lbs. 1958, Cuba had 160 radio stations. 1958, Cuba is in first place with TV’s per capita = 1/18. 1958, Cuba occupied third place in Latina America with numbers of telephones per capita, 1/28.
Foreign Investment in Cuba, in order of importance: (1) American, ($919 million in 1957) (2) Spanish, (3) British, (4) Cuban and in lesser proportion, Dutch, Chinese, Italian, Mexican and others.
Cuba’s cattle were excellent in quality and varied of breed. For the most part they were the Cebu and the Brahma. The hogs produced in Cuba were also of high quality. With a thriving livestock industry, the consumption of fresh meat was very high 0.86% and the processing of by-products wide-spread. For instance, Cuba had four plants for the processing of evaporated milk, and several others to produce powdered milk, butter and cheese. Cuba exploits important deposits of copper, chrome, marbles, asphalt, kaolin, barite, manesite, iron pirate and others. Cuba possesses more than 20 natural and well protected deep-water ports. The country had an active and hard working people. In the 50’s Cuba was already selling horizontal property “propiedad horizontal” or condos in high rise buildings. The
nation was very well advanced in comparison with other Latin American
countries. Cuban workers were more unionized (proportional to the
population) than U.S. workers. The average wage for an 8 hour day in Cuba in
1957 was higher than for workers in Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany.
Cuban labor received 66.6 per cent of gross national income. In the U.S.,
the figure was 70 per cent, in Switzerland 64 per cent, 44 per cent of
Cubans were covered by Social legislation, a higher percentage than in the
The Tropicana Night Club – Report from Cuba There
is no night club anywhere in the world that matches the Tropicana for beauty
as well as size. Its tropical grounds with palm trees amidst its
outdoor tables cover more than 300,000 square feet. Able to
accommodate 1750 nightly customers, the Tropicana is a resort spa unmatched
anywhere in the States. For in addition to musical extravaganzas
featuring lovely Latin girls, the club also has legalized gambling that
includes everything from dollar slot machines to dice and roulette. Havana was the mayor cigar center in the world with some of its product ever equaled by any country. Among the best: Hoyo de Monterrey, Partagas, Romeo y Julieta, Gener, Montecristo, H. Upmann, Por Larranaga, Cabanas, Cifuentes, Calixto Lopez, Cinco Vegas, Ramon Allones, Jose L. Piedra, La Corona, Fonseca. U.S. Rubber Company had the largest tire manufacturer in the Caribbean. In 1951 the sugar production in Cuba reached 7.5 tons. National Airlines offered a daily round trip (morning, afternoon, evening) to Miami on their DC-6 aircraft for only $30.00. The flight took only 58 minutes. US citizens could drive down to Key West, get on a ferry to Havana, unload their car in Havana, drive around town with their U.S valid driver’s license, pay cash for anything In Havana with U.S. dollars, and when ready to leave, take the ferry back to Key West. Cubana de Aviacion or Cuban Airlines had one of the first turbojets airplanes in Latin America. Cuba celebrated every year Los Carnavales de la Habana or Havana Carnivals just as in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil dores today. Las Comparsas, the street group dances date back to XVII century where the Spanish Military Governors of Cuba authorized the slaves to celebrate with mucis and chanting and colorful custums the religious festivity of the coming of the Three Kings. In 1932, Ernest Heminghway writes For Whom the Bells Toll at the Ambos Mundos Hotel. The Daiquiri drink originated during the Spanish American War when the American troops landed in the region of Daiquiri in the Southern Cost of Cuba. International Airlines that Flew in Cuba: AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS connected New York to Havana, and to the south Trinidad, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, with DC-6 equipment. AEROPOSTAL VENEZOLANA S.A. flew Miami-Havana-Caracas with Super Constellations. ALA, Transportes Aéreos de Chile, in 1958 started non-scheduled services between Santiago de Chile and Havana, with stops in Perú and Panamá, with DC-4. BRANIFF AIRWAYS, connected Havana to the north with Texas and others states and to the south with Panamá and other South American countries, such as Ecuador, Perú, Colombia, Argentina and others, with DC-6 equipment. DELTA AIRLINES to the north Havana with New Orleans and Chicago and to the south with Montego Bay, Jamaica and Caracas. It also flew from Havana to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Ciudad Trujillo, Rep. Dom., and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It flew with Convair 440 and DC-7. IBERIA, Líneas Aéreas from Spain, vied with Cubana in the route Habana-Madrid, with Super Constellations. KLM, Compañía Real Holandesa, flew between Miami-Havana-Curazao, with DC-6 and DC-7 and the route Havana-Montreal-Europa with DC-7. LACSA, Líneas Aéreas Costarricenses, connected Havana with San José de Costa Rica and other cities in Central America, such as Guatemala, mainly with Convair 340. MAKEY AIRLINES inaugurated its passenger service between Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and Havana, with DC-4. MEXICANA DE AVIACION flew between Havana, Mérida and México, 4 times weekly with the same equipment as PAA. NATIONAL AIRLINES in 1958 flew daily the route Havana-New York and Havana-Miami, with DC-6, DC-7 and Convair340 & 440, respectively. PAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS en 1958 connected Havana to Miami (around 8 daily flights), with Mérida and El Salvador, with DC-4, DC-6 and DC-7. Also it had flights from Camaguey to Miami and to the south, Jamaica, Venezuela and other South American countries. TAN, Transportes Aéreos Nacionales (Honduras) connected Havana to Central America with C-46 equipment.
Cuban words and expressions not frequently used by Cubans in the USA: Me partieron la vertracha Piquera Le dio un Patatu, una Sirimba Le debe a la 11 mil vírgenes y un peso a cada santo Esta chiflado, Vive en el Solar Cheo, Jeba, Chacha, Pepillo, jeta Fotuto, chucho de la electricidad Bofe, Pesao, Caradura, Sangron Le partieron la siquitrilla Tremendo Paquete, Una sarna Tiene Guayabito en la Zotea Me dieron guiso Estoy hasta el ultimo pelo En el tiribi tabara, En la Fuacata Te voy a dar paupau en el cucu Ahí viene el coco, la policia Le cayo calcoma, Me voy a dar un chapuzon Nos vamos de temporada Ese de fino no tiene nada Pantalones de bombache Tubey, tribey, cuadrangular Ir a la Habana (ir de compra) Es un poco nerviosa (loca por completo) Ese si que es un pollo Me colgaron en el examen Chivo para el examen Me hicieron un numero ocho Voy a jugar a la charita, la bola Me hice tremendo chichon Cayo como un saco de papa Tiene puestos los aritos, aparaticos Me hecho tremenda descarga Que puneta Me estoy comiendo un cable Estoy cruzando el Niagara en bicicleta Cojio tremendo berrinche, monte Ese lo que es un tremendo churruopio Esta mas loco que una chiva Dale fuego a la lata, la jarra No pierda la tabla Le puso la tapa al pomo Esta mas frio que un muerto Aquí me apeo, Hasta aquí llegue Pan con timba Mas viejo que Matusalen Esta mas sordo que una tapia Tremendo postalita Que matraca te traes Cojio tremenda onda Le tengo un coco formado Picuo, Jutia, Nino Bitongo Tren de lavado Mensajero de botica Quincalla, Kiosco, timbiriche Este es una plasta Bamboyero, cuentista, alardoso De primera plana Sueltalo antes de que te muerda Le di un toque sabroso Tiene tremendo tumbao, onda Esta mas duro que una piedra Esto es un gallinero Estoy con mi elemento Se formo un barullo Disco volador En boca cerrada no entra mosca Ese es un bicharraco Lo Pillaron, Ni pincha ni Corta Tombola Lo pasaron por el cepillo Calabaza, Calabaza cada uno pa su casa Tenia una botella del gobierno Voy a pedir una botella Hay un frio que chifla la mona Le cayo la calcoma Se le pego como un chicle Ese es un name con corbata Ese es una lumbrera Vamos a la Americana Darse un mate Se la llevo de chiripa, en el aire Esa se hace la loca A tutiplén Chirrin, Chirron esto se acabo Colorin, Colorado ya mi cuento se ha acabado y el tuyo no ha empezado No dijo ni pio Cayo de paracaidista, se colo Murio como un pollo, sin pluma y cacareando Dame la dolorosa Tengo un fotingo chevere Se acabo como la fiesta del guatao Pide la contra Ese tiene un chino atrás Se le subio lo de gallego
Cuban Personalities, Artists, Bands, TV and Radio Programs, Writers, Publications, Restaurants, Schools, Places, Local Expressions, Nocturne Centers: Copa Room La Corte Suprema La Marquesa Soprano Lydia de Rivera Soprano Isabelita Diaz Ilusionista Profesor Gil Chan Li Po (Anibal de Mar) Cuarteto Compay Gallo Maestro Erneso Lecuona Bola de Nieve Damaso Perez Prado Composer Sergio de Carlo (“Flores Negras”) Xuiomara Fernandez y Jose A.Alonso Minin Bujones Chicho Pan de Ana Maria Alvarez (La Pollito) Normita Suarez Orquesta Cheo Belen Puig Rosendo Rosell Chicho Pan de Gloria Bigote E Gato Orquesta Casino de La PlayaChateau Madrid Sans Souci Riverside Club Grrido y Pineiro Miguelito Valdes El Viejio Bringuier Agapito, Timoteo y el Maestro Leopoldo Fernandez, Tres Patines Adolfo Otero, el gallego. Mimi Cal, la Nananina Juan Bruno Tarraza Osaldo Farres Julio Gutierrez Facundo Rivero Mario Fernandez Porta Caballero de Paris ReneTouzet Maria Teresa Vera Orlando de La Rosa De Castro Sisters Teatro Marti Zig Zag Revista El Diaro de La Marina Alberto Garrido Federico Pineiro Orlando Vallejo Jose Fajardo Belisario Lopez Panchito Riset Rodrigo Prats Orquesta Aragon Arsenio Rodriguez Maruja Gonzalez Abelrdito Valdes Benny More Cantante lirica Sarita Escarpentier Clavelito Desi Arnaz Mongo Santamaria Mario Bauza El Club Tropicana Casino Parisien Sloppy Joes Bar El Floridita La Bodeguita del Medio Orquesta Hermanos Castros Hermanos La Batard Las Hermanas Lago La Novela del Aire Radio Reloj El Fakir (25 dias sin comer) La Fonda del Chino Julian Ricardo El Rey del Café Circo La Rosa Topeka Montmartre La Red El Sherezada La Roca Los Violines Copa Room (Havana Riviera) Ramoncito Veloz Rolando La Serie Diego Gonzalez (Tendedera) Lilia Lazo Los Filarmonicos (tocaban botellas con distintas cantidades de agua) Tito Hernandez Tony Alvarez y Olga Choren Bohemia, El Mundo, El Pais, Avance, Prensa Libre Ismael Bernabeu Henry Woton Wifredo Lam El Capri Rene Potocarrero RitaLonga Condo Bermudez Carlos Enriquez Victor manuel Amelia Pelaez Todoro Ramos Blanco Luis Martinez Pedro FelipeOrlando Felix Ramos Juan Gil Garcia Florencio Gelabert Fidelio Ponce Pepe Ramirez Carlos Enriquez Rolando Lopez Dirube Carlos Soriano Oscar Garcia Rivero Jose Maria Mijares Mario Carreno Mariano Rodriguez Tony Lopez Rafael Soriano Hector Molne Baruj Salinas Oreste Minoso Rafael Garcia Barcena Orquesta Filarmonica de La Habana H. Portell Vila Levi MarreroLeopoldo Horrego Gonzalo Quesada Fernando Portuondo Cuco Conde Rene Molina Carteles Baby Quintero Nelson Varela Baby Quintero Manuel de La Tejera Manolo de La Reguera Edmundo Amoros Willie Miranda Camilo Pascual Emilio Cabrera Orlando Zulueta Nino Valdes Manolito Sanguily La Amenaza Roja “La Soga Mingolo” El Chiclano Pupy Garcia El Mundo El Crisol Dr. Emilio Nunez Portuondo Centro Vazco El Jardin’ El Carmelo de Calzada Castillo de Jagua La Zaragozana El Templete Caftereia Kimbo El Tencent Rancho Luna La Terraza de Cojimar Mulgoba Vanidades Ledesma Café Los Aires Libres del Prado La Guarachera de cub Olga Guillot E.Jorin: El Chachacha Celia Cruz Cachao y el mambo Paquito D’Rivera Arturo Sandoval Bebo Valdes Wakuki Marta Perez Mrisabel Saenz Alvarez Mera Armando Couto Blanca Varela Bobby Collazo Pacheco El Trio Matamoros CabrisasFarach NoraOsorio La Lupe Ninon Sevilla El Bar Melodico Los 3 Villalobos Fernando Allbuerne Lolita Berrio Manolo /torrente Mamacusa Cachucha Dick y Biondi La Barra Arrechabala Manolo Fernandez Bienvenido Granada Prematura Roberto Ledesma Alvarez Guedes Rolandito Barral Carlos Badia Jorge Felix Las Hermanas Marquez Gina Roman La Chelito El Prgrama de Pumarejo Tete Machado Rolando Laserie Ignacio Pineiro Wifredo Fernandez Orlando Contreras El Chino Wong Raquel Bardisa Eva Flores Salvador Levy Daniel Santos Maria A. Pons El Viejito Chichi Jorge Zamora Francisco Vergara Alvaro de Villa Vitola la que se defiende Sola Perez Roura Rolando Ochoa Olga Chaviano Rosita Fornes Virgilio Pineira El Ali-Bar Margarita Lecuona India de Oriente Otto Sirgo Manolo Coego Manolo Reyes Ana Gloria y Rolando La Meneito El Circo de Gaby Fofo y Miliki Adolfo Guzman Alberto Insua Celeste Mendoza Celia Cruz Nico Membiela Jorge Bolet Bartolo Dinorah Ayala Orquesta de Oriente Jose Angel Buesa Eva Vazquez Joseito Fernandez Sierra Club Las Vegas Las condesas Negras Los Dandis El Bar del Hotel Comodoro Otto Meruelo Jose Pardo Llada Humberto Medrano La Casa Oscar El Monsenor Restaurant El Rincon Radio Kramer Rosita Fornes Asuncion del Peso Jose Angel Buesa El Palo Encebado Reina Por Un Dia La Ceniza Senador Tu Estabas Alli La Butifarras del Congo Coney Island de la Playa de Marianao, CentroGallego, La Rampa Hotel Deauville FOCSA El Restuarante 1830 Hotel Comodoro Capri Hotel El Palacio de Cristal Hotel Inglaterra Ciudad Deportiva La Rue 19 El Puente Bacunayagua Tunel de La Habana Varadero Le Trianon Flogar, La Casa Quintana, Roseland Cancha, Ropa Deportiva, La Filosofia Rex Cinema, Cine La Rampa, El Rodi, El Payret, Miramar, El Cinecito, Alamida, Cine Atlantic, El Acapulco, Cine Infanta, El Cine America Manzana de Gomez Rancho Boyeros, Terminal de Omnibus Carlos J. Finlay Palacio de Bellas Artes Casino de la Alegria Havana Military Academy, Universidad de Villanueva, Loyola, Academia Merici El Instituto Alfa, Los Escolapios Margot Parraga, Lafayette School, Cathedral, St. George School, Los maristas, Instituto de La Habana Jess Lozada Eliseo Genet Raul Maestri El programa de los $64 pesos Felix Chapotin Guayo Habana Yacht Club, El Vedado, Miramar Yacht Club, El Comodoro, El Vedado Tennis, El Casino Deportivo, La Concha, Club Nautico, Biltmore Yacht and Country Club Retiro Odontologico Retiro Medico, Clinica Miramar, Hospital Clinico-Quirurgico Mercedes del Puerto, Clinica Antnetti, Clinica Nacional de Dispensarios Infantiles La Caja del Retiro Electrico, Palacio Masonico La Quinta Avenida Banco Nacional, Trbunal de Cuentas, Teatro nacional, Palacio de Justicia, Palacio Municipal, Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti El Cristo de La Habana La Caridad del Cobre La Moderna Poesia Nela Queso de Crema El Gladiola Floreria Farmacia Gomez Plata Fin de Siglo Gillete Azul Teatro shangay La Epoca Alerta Café Regil Brillantina Palmolive Jabon Candado Zapatos Ingelmo Materva y Salutary Ironber Cerveceria Tropical La Tropical Carlitos Kilowatts Hatuey Casino Capri Benitin y Henea Popeye El Marino El Capitan y los Cebollitas Roldan, El Temerario El Bidet de Paulina La Virgen del Camino Guarapo Frio El Hombre de la Sirena Villar Kelley Entrega Especial Pestonit Popsicles Vendedor de Raspura Panteon Chino Puente de Miramar Puente de Almendares Puente de Alcoy Reparto Kohly El Cementerio Chino El Cementerio de Colon El Cementerio Hebreo de Guanabacoa Jose de La lUz y Caballero La Benificiencia El Cacahual La Gran Via La Loma del Burro El Castillo del Principe ____________________________________________________________________________
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