Click on the topics on the left to see other interesting sailing adventures. We have added very interesting stories from friends who have been or currently are cruising on their boats. We also include here stories about our own cruising activities, past and present. We had a great time during our first Oakland Holiday Boat Parade of 1998. The picture below was taken as we went by the judge's booth, under a torrential downpour at Jack London Square. Most of the spectators had gone home, and it was blowing 25 knots from the starboard beam! The following year, we had better luck with the weather, as you can see. The pictures are taken from the judge's review stand and given to participants free of charge. The next picture shows SIESTA during the Year 2000 Christmas Parade. This was a much more civilized event, weather-wise at least. The picture, below, was taken off Pebble Beach, off Carmel, while cruising during Labor Day week of 2000. We doctored the picture and used it as our electronic Christmas Card in 2000.
Two CSY 44 sisterships, SIESTA and SUNSHINE DAYDREAM (below), are seen motoring in San Francisco Bay on a cloudy day, waiting for the wind to come up. Later it did (gusts up to 35 knots in the Golden Gate slot), but we did not have a photographer to capture the excitement.
SIESTA (below, right), is seen rafted up with two Catalina 30's for the night, off the Oakland Bay Bridge, in the Fall of 1997, on our very first overnight cruise after SIESTA arrived from Florida.