During our Christmas vacation of the year 2000, we made a quick trip to Marathon, to see our friends and neighbors and check out our property on Coco Plum (currently rented out). We enjoyed seeing all of them, even though some of the meetings amounted to just more than a "hello" followed shortly by a "see you again soon. Make sure to visit us in California". This semi-yearly phenomenon has been dubbed by some in the Keys "The Marill Family Florida Keys Apparition". The word apparition is defined as: 1. a ghostly figure; a specter, or 2. a sudden or unusual sight. During this particular visit, we were made aware of a great new eating place in Marathon: The Island, located near Mile Marker 55, close to our home. We shall return! There are many great places to eat in the Keys. Some of our favorites are: CRAIG's in Tavernier Key, MONTE's in Summerland Key and SHUCKER's, THE ISLAND, and DINO's in Marathon, among others.