Homepages for CSY boats:
"Thistledown", a CSY 44 walk-thru owned by Dave and Lesa Covert: *http://thecoverts.com/thistledown/
"Jean Marie", a CSY 44 walk-over owned by Tom and Jeane Service: *http://thecoverts.com/csy/jeanmarie/index.htm
The site for CSY 44 W/O "Turtlebones", a great CSY gathering place: http://www.turtlebones.com/
"La Nostra", CSY 44' W/O #23, owned by Harry & Bella Rezzemini: http://www.lanostra.net
"Tackless II", a CSY 44 walk-thru with Captains Gwen Hamlin and Don Wilson: *http://www.thetwocaptains.com/
"Pogo", a CSY 44 walk-over, owned be Craig and Sarah Owings:
"Briny Bender", a CSY 44 walk-over:
A briefcase of pictures and miscellaneous information pertaining to the CSY 44 Pilothouse Memory Rose:
Please let us know if you would like to add your CSY web page to this link page.